Bounce – News
Parent Support Group
Mum’s Group Tuesday 11-12
(Dad’s wanted for dad’s group)
For Therapists: Discussion Group called “The Spring”
A learning and discussion group where we can share our interest and awaken the passion that brought us into this field.
More of Bounce! and Jane Brades’ run in Devon Live this week!
“Jane ran in aid of BOUNCE Brighter Futures Foundation, a charity based in Tiverton. They have [a central hub] in St Peter’s Street offering low cost counselling and workshops for children, young people and families. So far she has raised more than £1,200.” – Devon Live
Low-Cost Counselling for Adults, Young People and Children – ready to go
Getting ready to welcome our first clients to our new community-based low-cost service for children, young people and their parents and carers.
Thank You, Jan!
A huge, huge thank you to Jan Brades-Payne, who raised a staggering (no pun intended) £1210 on behalf of Bounce! Brighter Futures by running and completing the London Marathon. Such an amazing achievement!!!!
Thanks so much to Puffins!
Such a generous donation from Puffins, Exeter, who raised £1,250.00!
Bounce About Town – at the Unnamed Art Exhibition and Market
Activities included “Build Your World” competition in sand, a “Guess the Name” contest and the chance to write your own Haiku poems.
Bounce! on BBC
In the first week of June, Hayley Graham, Jane Andrews and Gram Davies were on the radio for BBC Devon.
Volunteer With Bounce!
We are looking for volunteers to join us at our therapy centre in Tiverton.
Trustee Vacancy
We are currently recruiting for a volunteer trustee, some of the most important people within
the charity.
Toys Wanted
We are looking for quality toys that can be re used for all ages of all types, particularly
small figures and other small items that may be used in dolls house type setting ( for use
in our sand trays)
Devon Live: “Stark preparations being made in Devon for children struggling with mental health”
”Last year research showed that one in nine children were struggling with their mental health.
”However, new research shows that the figure has now increased to one in six.
”It’s huge and mental health support is needed more now than ever and we need the funding to be able to do so.”